Discipline: Dance
Specialties: African Dance (with Marielle Duranteau)
Languages: English, French
Website: https://www.wontanaradrumdance.ca/
Mohamed André Duranteau is a dancer, choreographer and professional musician from Guinea in West Africa. Since his childhood, Mohamed has had a deep affinity as well as a curiosity for the music and traditional dance of his native country. At the age of 15, Mohamed began to pursue his dream of becoming a professional artist after moving from Kankan, in Upper Guinea, to the national capital of Conakry. It was here that Mohamed developed his talents as a dancer, singer and percussionist with various percussion and professional dance troupes, including the Tayeli Ballet, for more than twelve years.
In 2007, his passion for sharing his culture brought him to Victoria, British Columbia. Since coming to Canada, Mohamed has created a dance school and a professional troupe named Wontanara Drum & Dance and has performed on stage for a variety of audiences and at various events and festivals in the BC province and elsewhere with his band and other groups such as Kunda Culture.
After almost ten years in Victoria, Mohamed decided to move to Montreal with his wife, Marielle, and his son, Sekouba. They lived in Montreal for a year and a half before eventually settling in Halifax, Nova Scotia, his wife’s home province.
Mohamed loves sharing his knowledge of Guinea’s traditional dances, songs and rhythms as he strongly believes that this kind of exchange helps to promote and improve artistic expression and contributes to cultural diversity. He is eager to integrate and share his culture and talent with his new students in the Halifax Regional Municipality and beyond.

Mohamed Andre Duranteau est un danseur, chorégraphe et musicien professionnel originaire de la Guinée. Depuis son enfance, Mohamed a eu une profonde affinité ainsi qu’une curiosité pour la musique et les danses traditionnelles de son pays.
À l’âge de 15 ans, Mohamed a commencé à réaliser son rêve de devenir artiste professionnel et a commencé à développer ses talents à travers différentes troupes professionnelles de percussions et de danse pendant plus de douze ans.
En 2007, sa passion pour le partage de sa culture l’a amené à Victoria, en Colombie-Britannique. Depuis son arrivée au Canada, Mohamed a créé une école de danse et une troupe professionnelle nommée Wontanara Percussions & Danse. Il s’est produit sur scène devant divers auditoires et lors de divers événements et festivals en Colombie-Britannique et à travers le Canada.
Mohamed est à Halifax depuis septembre 2018 et a hâte de partager sa culture et son talent avec ses nouveaux étudiants dans la région d’Halifax.