Application Guidelines
Applications may be made at any time throughout the school year.
Applications will be considered for approval in the order in which they are received by the Coordinator.
PERFORM! may limit the applications of a school that has successfully booked 40 hours in a given school year (excluding choral activities) in favour of other schools that have not yet received that level of funding.
PERFORM! accepts cheques, money orders, credit card and e-transfer. If paying by cheque please make cheques payable to PERFORM!.
Fees for Presentations vary and are available on the Presentation page. All travel and accommodation for presentations is covered by PERFORM. For workshops, the Artist’s hourly workshop rate of $60/hr will be subsidized by PERFORM! at a rate of 40% per hour so the cost to the school is $35 per hour.
Additional subsidies will be made available to schools who cannot manage even the subsidized cost. Contact the PERFORM Coordinator at coordinator[at] should your school require further assistance.
PERFORM activities can still be booked if there are no subsidies remaining, but the school must pay the full costs for the activity.
IMPORTANT: Applications are considered incomplete until payment is received. Artists are unable to start project until funds are received. Projects will not be approved retroactively.
School Guidelines
The Teacher participates in the delivery of the program in the classroom, and must be present at all times during the Artist’s visit.
Number of students participating in classes or workshops: Recommended maximum 30
Choral projects and projects that involve school productions have no restrictions on the number of participants.
Number of students at a Performance: varies by Performance company but recommended maximum for most is 350
PERFORM! activities can happen during the school day or for extracurricular school activities.
School’s Responsibility to Artists
To cover the Artist or Performer’s fees associated with the Workshop or Presentation booked. All monies paid go through PERFORM! who then pays the Artist.
When the approved PERFORM! activity is completed to respond to the PERFORM! Coordinator to confirm completion of activity and the number of students who participated. The Artist or Performer cannot be paid without this signed form. A PERFORM! activity cannot be extended without further approval by the PERFORM! Coordinator and full payment by the school for any additional hours or performances.
If an Artist or Presentation visits your school for a full day, the school should provide for a meal at lunchtime.
If you invite an Artist or a Presentation from outside your geographic area, PERFORM! program pays for the Artist’s transportation and accommodation.
The PERFORM! Coordinator will connect the school with their assigned Artist or Presenter. It is the school’s responsibility to confirm specific details and preparation information of their PERFORM! Project directly with the assigned Artist or Presenter prior to its commencement.
Any special needs your students may have, must be discussed with the visiting Artist or Presenter prior to project commencement to allow for necessary modifications.
PERFORM! carries insurance to cover our Artists and Performers while they are working or performing in your school. If you require a copy of our insurance coverage please request it from the PERFORM! Coordinator.
All PERFORM! Artists and Performers have current (less than three years old) Vulnerable Records Checks and clearance from the Nova Scotia Child Abuse Registry. If you require a copy for your files for the Artist or Performers visiting your school, please contact the PERFORM! Coordinator.
IMPORTANT: No student shall be charged to participate in a PERFORM! activity and no school shall directly profit from a PERFORM! sponsored workshop or presentation.
Artists’ Responsibility to the Schools
Artists are expected to communicate in a timely manner with the school to arrange activities as efficiently as possible.
Artists are expected to be professional and respectful in all dealings with the school administration, teachers and students.
Should you have any questions or concerns about a PERFORM! Artist or Presenter’s conduct in any of your dealings leading up to or during the PERFORM! activity, please notify the PERFORM! Coordinator immediately.
Cancellation Policy
It is the school’s responsibility to make sure that project hours are used within the school year of application. If the school is experiencing any difficulty with an artist or finishing a project, they should contact the PERFORM! Program Coordinator immediately.
Projects started but not completed by the end of the school year are deemed finished and no refund will be issued.
When cancellation is unavoidable, the school must give 14 days or more notification before project commencement in order to receive a full refund. Exceptional circumstances will be taken into consideration.
PERFORM! activity cancelled due to weather conditions should be rescheduled as soon as conveniently possible. Both PERFORM!, artist and school will make every reasonable effort to communicate with the other when the school is cancelled due to weather conditions.
Should PERFORM! not be able to re-schedule a performance or activity following a weather cancellation the school will be refunded the full amount.
General Policy
The well being and security of the student population remains the responsibility of the school during PERFORM! projects. PERFORM! artists will not participate in any disciplinary issues or disputes among staff or students.
It is the school’s responsibility to ensure that a teacher’s aid is present, if required by a student with special needs.
Classroom materials for a project are the responsibility of the school.
Acknowledgement of PERFORM!
If the PERFORM! Artist is contributing to a school performance or public presentation, the program requires that the PERFORM! logo be displayed in any printed materials as well PERFORM! should be verbally acknowledgement when possible.
IMPORTANT: No student shall be charged to participate in a PERFORM! activity and no school shall directly profit from a PERFORM! sponsored workshop or presentation. Should the school wish to charge for attendance at a PERFORM! activity, subsidy is not available and the school must shoulder the full cost of the activity.