Presented by Maritime Marionettes

- Grade Levels: Appropriate for all ages, recommended for elementary school
- Duration: 50 min. with optional question and answer period
- Cost: $750 + HST for one show, $1200 + HST for two
- Format: Available in person
- Booking Dates: Available on request during the school season
- Languages: English and French
- Study Guide: StudyguideMolly in PDF format
Workshops available by special arrangement:
Introduction to Puppetry for grades 3 and up (1 hr, max 3 per day)
Rod Puppet Making for grades 5 and up (2.5 – 3 hrs, 1 per day)
Please contact coordinator[at] for more details.
Script: Darryll and Heather Taylor
Marionettes: Bruce Wood, Heather Taylor|
Voices: Deborah Allen, Jamie Bradley, Kelti MacMillan, Elizabeth Murphy, Darryll Taylor
Costumes: Robert Doyle
Original Music: Quita Gray
Instrumentation: Quita Gray,
the Barra MacNeils
Humpback Whale Sounds: Dr. Roger Payne & NYZS/the Wildlife Conservation Society
Project assisted by: the Canada/Nova Scotia Cooperation Agreement on Cultural Development, Cultural Affairs Division of the Nova Scotia Department of Education.
Molly and the Oak Island Treasure
Her uncle sang of a treasure
hidden deep in the Oak Island ground.
With the help of a friend who shares wisdom, this treasure could surely be found.
Another voice whispers softly
to her spirit as she points to the wind.
Her fortune, read by the witch Dianna, foretold treasure and an unknown friend.
The treasure they seek will allude them
like the wind that pushes their sails.
They’re helped by the Mik’maq Boy, Ulgimmo, and a friendly humpback whale.
So come sailing with Molly and Pixie and be charmed as this tale is told.
For a treasure awaits all who join us to watch Molly’s adventure unfold.
Molly, and her fairy friend, set out on her boat for a marvelous adventure in search of buried treasure. They gain the wisdom of a newfound Mik’maq friend along the way.
Exquisitely handcrafted wooden marionettes come to life in the hands of Heather and Darryll Taylor, enchanting children and parents alike. A treasure hunt for self-discovery, Molly and the Oak Island Treasure will touch your heart and awaken the child in us all.
Molly and the Oak Island Treasure features nine marionettes and an array of shadow puppets for the ethereal ocean scenes. An original 46 minute production suitable for all ages, the show has a rich Maritime theme and embraces a positive self-esteem message for young people. Molly and the Oak Island Treasure premiered in 1994 and has since toured Atlantic Canada, Ontario, Quebec, Hawaii, Bermuda and France.
“Marvelously produced…amazingly life-like marionettes and a delightful story.” –Bancroft Times
“Amazing show… not often we are able to find something that engages grades P-6 alike.:)” – Adrienne Blumenthal, – Porter’s Lake Elementary School