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Artist Profiles

Meredith Zwicker

Discipline: Theatre, Singing
Theatre: Musical Theatre, Acting, Shakespeare
Singing: Musical Direction, General Singing
Languages: English
Pronouns: she/her

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Aurora Scott

Discipline: Dance, Theatre
Dance: Salsa, Ballroom, Creative Movement
Theatre: Theatre Games, Improvisation, Collective Creation
Languages: English
Pronouns: she/her

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Rebecca Wolfe

Disciplines: Theatre, Dance
Theatre: Directing, Improvisation, Musical Theatre, Physical Theatre
Dance: Choreography, Ballet, Creative Movement, Social Dance
Languages: English
Pronouns: she/her

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Dan Bray

Discipline: Theatre
Specialties: Playwriting, Shakespeare, Directing
Languages: English
Pronouns: he/him

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Amelia McMahon

Discipline: Singing
Specialties: General Choir, Vocal Health & Technique, Choral Jazz
Languages: English, some French
Pronouns: She/Her/Elle

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Comeau, Zoë

Discipline: Theatre
Specialties: Acting, Directing, Improvisation
Languages: English, French
Pronouns: she/her

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Laura Stinson

Discipline: Theatre
Specialties:  Puppetry, Mask, Collective Creation
Languages: English, French
Pronouns: she/her

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Ian McFarlane

Discipline: Theatre
Specialties:  Puppetry, Collective Creation, Mask
Languages: English
Pronouns: he/him
Website: www.ianfmcfar.weebly.com

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Franziska Glen

thumbnail_Franziska Glen cropped

Discipline: Theatre
Specialties:  Acting, Puppetry, Collective Creation
Languages: English, French, German
Pronouns: she/her


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shalan joudry

DanFroese-Shalan-8094 croppedDiscipline: Theatre
Specialties:  Public Speaking, Improvisation, Playwriting
Languages: English
Pronouns: she/her

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Lindsay Kyte

Lindsay Kyte headshotDiscipline: Theatre
Specialties:  Playwrighting; Musical Theatre; Collective Creation
Languages: English
Pronouns: she/her
Website: lindsaykyte.com


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Jade Douris-O’Hara

Jade Douris croppedDiscipline: Theatre, Dance
Specialties: Theatre: Shakespeare, Musical Theatre, Collective Creation
Dance: Ballet, Jazz, Choreography
Languages: English
Pronouns: she/her



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Marielle Duranteau

Marielle promo pic 1 Discipline: Dance
Specialties: African Dance (with Mohamed Duranteau)
Languages: English, French
Website: https://www.wontanaradrumdance.ca/



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Mohamed Duranteau

Mohamed promo 2Discipline: Dance
Specialties: African Dance (with Marielle Duranteau)
Languages: English, French
Website: https://www.wontanaradrumdance.ca/



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Tara Taylor

Discipline: Theatre
Specialties:  Spoken Word, General Theatre, Playwrighting, Directing
Languages: English
Pronouns: she/her


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Tessa Short

tessa ShortDiscipline: Singing
Specialties:  Vocal Health & Technique, Language & Diction, General Choral
Languages: English


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Krista Vincent

Krista VincentDiscipline: Singing
Specialties: General Choir, Singing Across the Curriculum, Rehearsal Clinics
Languages: English


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Patrick Maubert

Patrick3Discipline: Theatre
Specialties: Musical Theatre, Directing, Acting
Languages: English, French
Pronouns: he/him

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Lisa Phinney Langley

Lisa Phinney Langley

Discipline: Dance
Specialties: Choreography, Creative Movement, Modern/Contemporary
Languages: English

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Elizabeth MacDonald

Elizabeth MacDonaldDiscipline: Dance
Specialties: Irish Dance, Highland Dance and General Dance
Languages: English
Website: www.celticlifeintl.com/rejigged/

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