Below is a list of performances currently available. There are both live and pre-recorded performances available so be sure to read details carefully.
If you have a virtual performance booked and are trying to access it, please go back and hover your curser over the PERFORMANCES tab and the Virtual Performance link will appear directly to the right.
The Three Questions A dance show for young audiences
Grade Levels: Grades 2 through 8 Duration: 45 min plus 15 min Q&A/Demonstration Cost: Please contact for quote specific to the needs of your school Format: In-person Booking Dates: possible dates in May and June 2025 Languages: English and French Study Guide: Produced for the book The Three Questions by the Critical Thinking Consortium:
Workshops available by arrangement, at an additional cost: Creative Animals grades P-2 Creative Movement grades 3-5 Express Dance (movement composition) grades 3-8 Improvisation grades 6-8 Theatre Production grades 6-8
Grade Levels: Appropriate for all ages, recommended for ages 8-12.
Duration: show runs 45 minutes
Cost: $50/class or $300 for whole school
Q&A: Q&A with a Tessa Mendel HTYP’s Artistic Director, and a Mi’kmaq knowledge keeper available as a follow up to the performance for an additional cost of $100 *If your school can’t manage the full price, please contact PERFORM! Coordinator at coordinator[at] to make arrangements. We don’t want anyone to miss out!
Format: Special Digital Production
Show Dates: Mi’kmaq History Month October 1 – October 31 (or by special arrangement throughout the school year)
Available only as a prerecorded presentation Livestream post show Q & A available to accompany prerecorded performances Prerecorded performance and Q&A available in both English and French
Grade Levels: PP to 8
Duration: 50 min. with optional question and answer period
Cost: Prerecorded performances: $50 + HST per class viewing Livestream Q&A: $150 + HST (multiple classes at one school can join livestream Q&A for the same price)
Format: Prerecorded performance and livestream Q&As happen with password protected link and Google Meet arrangements for Q&A.
Booking Dates: Available on request during the school year
Languages: English or French
Workshops available by special arrangement:
Virtual Rod Puppet Making Workshop Grade Levels: Grades P to 8, (workshop is adapted for younger grades) Students make their own puppets – engaging for all ages, all genders – students keep their puppets. Great for class presentations! Virtual workshop length 1hour 15 mins. Materials fee per puppet made: rod puppet $15 (plus tax) (school provides glue guns, pencils and scissors – shipping costs covered by PERFORM!)
Please contact coordinator[at] for more details.
Workshops available by special arrangement: Introduction to Puppetry for grades 3 and up (1 hr, max 3 per day) Rod Puppet Making for grades 5 and up (2.5 – 3 hrs, 1 per day) Please contact coordinator[at] for more details.
Grade Levels: Grades P to 8, (workshop is adapted for younger grades) Students make their own puppets – engaging for all ages, all genders – students keep their puppets. Great for class presentations!
Virtual workshop length 1hour 15 mins.
Materials fee per puppet made: rod puppet $15 (plus tax) (school provides glue guns, pencils and scissors – shipping costs covered by PERFORM!)